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2016-11-10 01:33:09|  分类: 披肩{半园型 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动


Notes Worked from the top down for center section, then working each side separately using short rows to create wings.  Ears of Grass Lace will not repeat fully between each point of moving markers, simply continue in pattern.

Yarn DK (#3 Light); Shown: Rowan, Felted Tweed (50% Merino Wool, 25% Alpaca, 25% Viscose; 191 yds/50g): Color 157 Camel about 7-8 balls. - However, yarn isn't particularly important for this pattern.  A lighter weight will produce a smaller shawl and a heavier weight will produce a larger shawl.

Needles US6 (4mm) 21" cir for working a large number of sts; Gauge 5.5 sts & 7.5 rows = 1" St st worked flat.

Notions Waste yarn or spare needle, removable marker, yarn needle.


Ears of Grass Lace (worked over 15 sts)

Rows 1, 3 (WS): Purl

Row2 (RS): *Ssk, k4, yo, k3, yo, k4, k2tog; rep from *

Row 4: *Ssk, k5, yo, k1, yo, k5, k2tog; rep from *

Rows 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19: *P7, k1, p7; rep from *

Row 6: *Ssk, k3, yo, k2, p1, k2, yo, k3, k2tog; rep from *

Row 8: *Ssk, k4, yo, k1, p1, k1, yo, k4, k2tog; rep from *

Row 10: *Ssk, k2, yo, k3, p1, k3, yo, k2, k2tog; rep from *

Row 12: *Ssk, k3, yo, k2, p1, k2, yo, k3, k2tog; rep from *

Row 14: *Ssk, k1, yo, k4, p1, k4, yo, k1, k2tog; rep from *

Row 16: *Ssk, k2, yo, k3, p1, k3, yo, k2, k2tog; rep from *

Row 18: *Ssk, yo, k5, p1, k5, yo, k2tog; rep from *

Row 20: *Ssk, k1, yo, k4, p1, k4, yo, k1, k2tog; rep from *

Rep Rows 1-20

Garter Ladder Lace

Row 1 (RS): *Ssk, k1, [yo] 2 times, k1, k2tog; rep from *

Row 2: *K2, knit into the first yo, purl into the second yo, knit 2; rep from *

Rep Rows 1 & 2


CO 5 sts.  KNit even 12 rows, rotate work clockwise, pick up and knit 5 sts along garter edge between bumps, rotate work clockwise, pick up and knit 5 sts along CO edge - 15 sts.  Alternatively, use a provisional CO and knit last 5 sts from CO edge.

Row 1 (WS) K5, sl1pwise wyf, k1, sl1pwise wyf (this is the center stitch - mark with a removable marker), k1, sl1pwise wyf, k5.

Row 2 (RS) K6, yo, knit to center st, yo, k1, yo, knit to last 6 sts, yo, k6 - 4 sts inc'd.

Row 3: K5, sl1pwise wyf, knit to center st, sl1pwise wyf, knit to last 6 sts, sl1pwise wyf, k5.

Rep Rows 2 & 3, 6 more times - 43 sts.

Begin Ears of Grass Lace (EGL)

Row 1 (RS) K6, yo, pm, work EGL patt (starting on Row 2 of patt - See Stitches) working 1 repeat, pm, yo, k1, yo, pm, work EGL patt (Row 2) working 1 repeat, pm, yo, k6 - 4 sts inc'd.

Row 2 (WS) K5, sl1pwise wyf, knit to marker, slm, work in lace patt to marker, slm, knit to center st, sl1pise wyf, knit to marker, slm, work in EGL patt to marker, slm, knit to last 6 sts, sl1pwise wyf, k5.

Row 3: K6, yo, knit to marker, slm work in EGL patt to marker, slm, knit to center st, yo, k1, yo, knit to marker, slm, work in EGL patt to marker, slm, knit to last 6 sts, yo, k6 - 4 sts inc'd; 51 sts.

Rep Rows 2 & 3, 13 more times, then rep Row 2 once more removing markers as you come to them.  Rep Row 1 - 103 sts.

Rep last 31 rows, 3 more times (283 sts), then rep Row 2 once more as follows: work as established to center st, purl into f&b of center st, work as est to end - 1 st inc'd.

Separate for Right & Left sides

K6, yo, k136, place remaining sts onto spare needles or waste yarn, continue over Left side only. 

Left side

Short Row 1 (WS) Sl1pwise wyf, knit to last 9 sts, turn; (RS) Sl1pwise wyb, knit to end.

Short Row 2 (WS) Sl1pwise wyf, knit to 9 sts before gap, turn; (RS) Sl1pwise wyb, knit to end.

Rep Short Row 2, 12 more times.

Next row (WS) BO 15, knit to last 6 sts, sl1pwise wyf, k5 - 127 sts.

Next row: K6, yo, knit to end - 1 st inc'd.

Next row: K1, purl to last 6 sts, sl1pwise wyf, k5.

Begin Floating Wings short rows along live stitch edge using Chart A and continuing edge sts as est.  Each RS short row increases by 3 sts.

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

When working in pattern, you'll notice that the RS rows start the floating wing patt on the Left side.  In the far left image, I've marked the center st of the floating wing from the previous repeat.  The left purl bump will be 6 sts to the right (as illustrated in the center image).  After the left purl bump, k11, then p1, k1, p1(as illustrated in the right image) - this is the foundation of the next row of floating wing patt. 

Begin Garter Ladder Lace (GLL) - These are not going to be full repeats of the pattern since they are still short row sections.  Simply work in pattern each row, increasing 3 sts every RS row.

Row 1 (RS) K6, yo, work Row 1 GLL patt to end, k2 sts from live edge, turn.

Row 2 (WS) Sl1pwise wyf, work Row 2 GLL patt to last 5 sts, sl1pwise wyf, k5.

Rep Rows 1 & 2, 7 more times.

Next Row: *BO to double yo, chain 2; rep from * and BO to end.  Break yarn.

Right side

Rejoin yarn with RS facing, sl1pwise wyf, knit to last 6 sts, yo, k6 - 1 st inc'd.

Next Row (WS) K5, sl1pwise wyf, knit to end.

Short Row 1 (RS) Sl1pwise wyb, knit to last 9 sts, turn; (WS) Sl1pwise wyf, knit to end.

Short Row 2 (WS) Sl1pwise wyf, knit to 9 sts before gap, turn; (RS) Sl1pwise wyb, knit to end.

Rep Row 2, 12 more times.

Next Row (RS) BO 15, knit to last 6 sts, yo, k6 - 1 st inc'd.

Next Row (WS) K5, sl1pwise wyf, purl to last st, k1.

Next Row: Knit to last 6 sts, yo, sl1pwise wyb, k5 - 1 st inc'd.

Begin Floating Wings short rows along live stitch edge using Chart B and continuing edge sts as est.  Each RS short row increases by 3 sts.

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

 You will work a total of 13 Floating Wings lines (6 +1 full repeat as charted) then work even 4 rows in St st,
 increasing as est and ending on a RS row. 

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

This time, when working in pattern, you'll notice that the WS rows start the floating wing patt on the Reft side.  In the far left image, I've marked the center st of the floating wing from the WS row.  The left purl bump is 12 sts to the right of the end of this row (as illustrated in the image on the left), but I was working all of the 2 extra stitches from the live edge in St st, so there is no purl bump 11 sts to the left of the left purl bump.  The following WS row, I will add a purl bump (as illustrated in the center image).  Now, there is purl bump 11 sts to the left of the p1, k1, p1 (as illustrated in the right image). 

Begin Garter Ladder Lace (GLL) - These are not going to be full repeats of the pattern since they are still short row sections.  Simply work in pattern each row, increasing 3 sts every RS row.

Row 1 (RS) Work Row 1 GLL patt last 6 sts, yo, k6 - 1 st inc'd.

Row 2 (WS) K5, sl1pwise wyf, work Row 2 GLL patt to end.

Rep Rows 1 & 2, 7 more times.

Next Row: *BO to double yo, chain 2; rep from * and BO to end.  Break yarn.

Weave in all ends and block well.

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动

荷鲁斯披肩 - maomao - 我随心动


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